Halloween Costume – LEGO Bricks!


All of our family are big LEGO fans, so when we were brainstorming costume ideas with my nephews, my sister-in-law suggested a LEGO costume. LEGO bricks are a great geek costume, so we decided to run with it.

My husband, a wizard with a glue gun, implemented the idea. I think our giant LEGO bricks turned out really nice!

What costume have you created for Halloween?

I Want a Particle Accelerator for Christmas

It is the tradition in my family to buy my husband a Lego set to put together on Christmas morning. I saw this Lego particle accelerator by JK Brickworks, and thought it was perfect! (The very fun video for it on the Lego site is worth the click.)

I ordered all the parts for it, but I had to order the track from Germany, and it did not arrive by Christmas day (actually, it still hasn’t arrived). I gave my husband the rest of the set, so he could at least be entertained by it.

My husband has a 3D printer (that he built!), so he decided to design and build his own track. The cat was fascinated, and I think it ended up working really well!

Track20141229 TrackAbove20141229 CatTrack20141229