New Ideas

Whenever I get an idea for a new project, I write it down in my Ideas file.  Usually, by the time I’ve finished the first draft of a project, I’ve already had several ideas for the next one.  Usually, one of them is banging around my head, ready to get out.  If I don’t have one clamoring to get written, I can read my Ideas file and see what sparks my attention.

Last month, that didn’t happen.  I was ready for a new project, and nothing sparked. 

Of course, I can always spend my writing time editing.  And I considered going back to the last novel I started and working on that.  In fact, I did start working on it.

And then I read something online that made me mad.  And while considering my response to what made me mad, I came up with a science fiction analog for the situation, a setting, a character, a problem … and a new story. 

It’s going to be a fun April.

How do you come up with story ideas?

March Stats

Here are my stats for March. Less productive than February. I’ve found that trying to write 100 words a day is not a good metric when I’m in revision mode, which is where I am now on two stories. It’s also not a good metric when I’m in deep thought mode, which is where I also was on one of those stories. But, when I’m in writing mode, it works insanely well. And, since I’m now in writing mode for a new project … I’m hoping April will go well!